Orchard Primary School

School Meals

Orchard Primary School provides healthy school meals for our pupils so that they can be supported to have a healthy, balanced diet. The meals are brought in by an external provide

The menu on offer is in line with the School Meals Healthy Eating Standards published by the Department for Education. We follow a menu system that repeats every 3 weeks and is published on our website.

At Orchard Primary School, our pupils are offered two options for food at lunchtime:
• A school meal
• A healthy packed lunch from home

Please note that currently all pupils are under the Mayors Free School Meal iniative until July 2025.

For further details please visit the News tab or click the button below.


(Please be aware that this is different from the claimed Free School Meals, where families may be in receipt of particular benefits. Parents who are in receipt of particular benefits are requested to please also complete the FSM application as it helps the school to secure additional funding to help pupils with resources, learning, etc via Pupil Premuim funding. For further details on this please visit the Free school Meals tab below).

Lunch Menu

orchard menu autumn 2 2024.pdf

Paid Meals

To make a lunch payment for your child online please click on the icon below, the cost of the meal will be £2.60 per child per meal:

School Money 

Children who are free school meals can also use the School Money system to book meals in advance. Using this facility means children will not need to specify their meal options every day in the classroom which will avoid any unnecessary arrears.

For guidance on how to use the School Money website please 'click here'.


A reminder that this academic year 2023-24 the Mayor of London will be making all pupils attending primary school eligible for Free School Meals for one year. While this initiative is running no parents will be required to pay for meals during the 2023-24 academic year. If you still have any outstanding debts for the previous academic year please can these be cleared as soon as possible.

Free School Meals

Parents who claim for particular benefits may be entitled to claim free shool meals for the child/children during their time at Orchard school.

Registering for free meals could raise an extra £1,320 per child for the school, to fund valuable support like extra tuition, additional teaching staff or after school activities. All this funding is linked to our Pupil Premium Grant allocated from the DFE. For further information on how this money is spent please click here’.

To register your child/children, please complete and return the application below to the school office as soon as possible.

FSM Application Form

Packed Lunch

Pupils who bring a packed lunch sit alongside others who are having a school meal. There are staff on hand to assist all pupils. The school provides fresh drinking water for all.

• Packed lunches should be brought to school each day in a suitable container which is labelled with your child’s full name and class.

• Orchard Primary School promotes healthy eating and therefore does NOT allow any fizzy drinks, crisps, chocolates or sweets in lunch boxes. One small treat item such as a brioche roll is allowed occasionally as part of a balanced diet but should not be given every day.

• Lunch boxes will be carefully monitored to ensure there is sufficient food and a healthy meal. Items such as fizzy drinks, crisps, chocolates or sweets will be removed and given back to parents at the end of the day. Any concerns noted will be reported to the parent via the class teacher/TA.

• Pupils are encouraged to finish their lunch. Any uneaten food will be left in lunch boxes, which are to be taken home at the end of the day. Click on the link below for more ideas:



If your children have any allergies which the school need to be aware of please come and speak to the admin team as a special lunch menu will need to be provided for any children who are taking school meals. This is to ensure that the allergies are catered for.

A special menu can take up to 3 weeks to come through as it is drafted by the Head office of our catering team once initial paperwork is sent by the school, therefore please ensure you inform the office in good time. During the period a special menu is being drawn up for your child it is recommended to provide your child with a packed lunch.

If you have any questions please speak to a member of the office team.


Allergies - NUTS

Please note that in order to maintain the safety of pupils and staff, Orchard Primary is a nut-free school. If you are providing a healthy packed lunch for your child, please ensure that you do not include peanuts, tree nuts or any food containing nuts such as peanut butter or Nutella.