Orchard Primary School


At Orchard we believe in working as a team and this includes having a strong partnership with parents. We aim to secure the best outcomes for our pupils and this can only be achieved through parents being involved in their children’s learning. Some of the ways in which we do this:

1) Open door policy – making sure we make ourselves available to deal with any queries that parents have on a day to day basis

2) Regular planned meetings and events that take place during the course of the school year e.g.

  • Meet the Teacher event in September
  • Termly class newsletter, providing information about the learning that is going to take place and how parents can help
  • Termly parents meetings to review children’s learning and progress and discuss next step learning targets
  • Curriculum workshops
  • SATs information meetings
  • Secondary Transfer information meetings
  • Social events (e.g. annual Eid dinner, International Week)
  • Charity fundraising events

Parent Volunteers

There are a number of parent volunteers who come to school on a regular basis to support classroom learning and accompany classes on educational visits. They make a strong contribution to school life and therefore to pupil outcomes.

Parent Teacher Association

The Orchard PTA meet regularly and play an active part in school life. Meetings take place at least once every half term. Parent coffee mornings are also organised by the PTA to help build a strong parent network.