Xpressions! - New school messaging app
From next week we will be moving to a new app for school communications. Currently we use Teachers2Parents for sending out texts, but this will be replaced by Groupcall Xpressions from next week (03/02/2025). We will however continue to use School money for all payment related communications, e.g. trips, clubs etc. so you will still need the Teachers2Parents app for this, and Telegram will continue to be used for school related announcements (events, and important dates etc - If you are not signed up to our telegram announcement group, then please let the admin staff know).
As mentioned above the Xpressions app will be taking over the school communications from Teachers2Parents, and this will require a different app (part of the same company). The reason for the move to this new system is to not only help save the school money, but to also improve communications with parents. This is also a chance for parents to also help the school save money. How? well the more parents who sign up to receive messages via the new app, the less the school pays for sending out messages. So please can we ask as many parents to sign up as possible so that this helps us save money for classrooom resources.
Xpressions can be downloaded from the iOS app store for iPhone users and from the Play store for Android users for free (Links below).
It is very easy to set up and will keep all messaging for all children in one place. The new system is planned to go live from next week (Monday 3rd February 2025) so please do not try and login until we confirm this via text as we are updating our systems in the background to ensure a smooth transition to the new system.
Below is a link to support you to get started once the app goes live
Xpressions! - How Parents get started
If you require further support once the app goes live, then please come and see a member of the admin team and we will assist. Please can we ask all parents to ensure that if mobile numbers or emails have changed that you update the office as soon as possible.