Orchard Primary School

Qur'an Fest Competition

Orchard will be joining a number of Muslim schools to take part in the first Qur'an Fest competition taking place this year in association with AMS UK.

This year the competition will take to social media to raise the profile of our schools and also to instill love for the Holy Qur'an.

Process for Competition

As we are approaching the commencement of the Muslim Schools Quran Fest, Please see below details of how the process will work.

Each week on Monday morning between 9-10am we will upload the full-length entries for the respective year groups to Instagram. Then, throughout the week, clips of each entry will be uploaded to Tik Tok as promotional videos. As you know, the voting will take place on Instagram via the number of likes each video receives. At the end of the week, we will note down the number of likes per video and voting will close.

The winner of that group will be announced via social media the following Monday, and we will upload the next round of entries on the same day between 9-10am again inshaAllah. This process will continue until the end of the competition.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 entries will all be uploaded to Instagram between 9 and 10am on Monday 13th January.

Votes will be counted on Sunday 19th January.

The winning Reception class, Year 1 class and Year 2 class will be announced on Monday morning (20th January)

(Then the second round of entries, Year 3 and Year 4, will be uploaded and so on)

Links to note:

Instagram: @msquranfest

TikTok: @MuslimSchools'QuranFest

Letters - Voting


Please keep an eye on this page for any further information.