Orchard Primary School

Pupil Attendance

Your childs attendance to school is very important as this helps ensure they remain on top of their learning throughout the year. Children do inevitably get unwell, but we would like to reduce the absences due to minor illnesses like coughs & colds. Also reasons like 'my child is tired' cannot always be authorised as children are expected to be in school. Even if they arrive a little later this can still be marked as 'in attendance' for the afternoon session.

Our aim is to work with our parents to ensure we achieve the highest attendance possible for all pupils throughout the year.

Is my child too ill for school?

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell. To help you make the right decision the NHS has published some guidance which may help with your decision.

For further details please 'click here'.

If you do keep your child at home, it's important to phone the school on the first day. Let us know that your child won't be in and give us the reasons so this can be logged. Just saying the child is 'ill' is also not enough, you must provide details e.g. symptoms etc.

If your childs attendance is low due to regular illness the school will be in contact with you to try and help improve this.