Orchard Primary School

No Parking

A reminder for parents who come to school via car -  please DO NOT park in front of Rush Common Mews and the Christchurch School parking gate at drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon, as these are in constant use throughout the day.

As Muslims, we follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) - part of which is respecting the rights of our neighbours.

It does not reflect well on us as a Muslim community when we receive numerous complaints from our neighbours regarding parents parking and blocking Rush Common Mews and the Christchurch School driveway.

It has been mentioned that staff at Christchurch School are trying to get into their car park and are hampered from doing so by Orchard parents who have blocked the driveway from 8am onwards. 

We urge you to please park considerately when dropping off and picking up your children.

Thank you for your co-operation. 
