Orchard Primary School

Information regarding our Curriculum

The Department for Education (DfE) requires schools to work within the framework of the National Curriculum. In keeping with this, the subjects studied by our children are:

Mathematics, English, Science, Computing, Design Technology, History, Geography, Citizenship, Art & Design, Music, PE, Religious Education, Personal, Social, Health and Relationships Education (PSHE+R) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC).

The ‘Intent’ behind our overall curriculum is to provide a ‘challenging, broad, balanced and inclusive learning experience’ for all our pupils; in order to nurture their overall development and ensure outstanding progress. Our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of the diverse range of pupils that we serve.

For a pictorial taste of our broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which incorporates all aspects of SMSC and Universal or British Values, please see below:

Orchard Learning Presentation

Some of the unique features of our curriculum are that the children are taught:

  1. Islamic Studies and
  2. Arabic (as a Modern Foreign Language)

Religious Education / Islamic Studies

Our teaching aims to enable pupils to:

  •  Gain a secure knowledge and understanding of Islam
  •  Be introduced to some of the religions represented in the local community
  •  Learn to respect people of different faiths
  •  Mature in their own beliefs, values and behaviour
  •  Reflect on religious beliefs and practices.

Our Islamic Ethos pervades all aspects of school life; children and adults are encouraged to treat others with kindness, consideration and respect. This creates an inclusive and happy environment in which all members of the school feel a sense of belonging.

Arabic (MFL)

The Arabic curriculum is designed in keeping with the teaching of any other modern foreign language such as French, German or Spanish. As such our aim is that pupils learn the grammar, reading, writing and conversational skills related to Arabic, in keeping with appropriate age related expectations for a primary school. At Orchard, some of the children have Arabic as their first language and they are able to help their peers in lessons.


Further information about our Curriculum

Our aim is to deliver the curriculum in a way that helps us to secure excellent rates of attainment and progress inclusively for all learners:

  • Strong cross-curricular links are made, in order to ensure learning is meaningful, challenging and engaging
  • Lessons providing first hand experiences and practical tasks through use of a range of resources (e.g. ICT, educational visits, visitors into school, the school grounds and special events)
  • Learning taking place in a variety of teaching groups (e.g. whole-class, small groups, paired work and individual activities)
  • Pupils engage in evaluating their own learning through self and peer assessment and adult feedback and support
  • Strong home/school links (e.g. termly class newsletter, several pieces of homework each week, special events and curriculum workshops for parents)

Additional provision is organised to enrich learning and meet the needs of all groups and individuals. This includes for example having:

  • SEND support programmes
  • A focus on attainment and progress of Pupil Premium pupils (Looked After Children and those that are eligible for Free School Meals)
  • Mentoring support
  • Booster groups
  • Maths masterclasses
  • Workshops at neighbouring schools
  • Homework catch up time
  • After school clubs

Music / Nasheeds

The teaching of music incorporates pupils development of aspects such learning to perform Nasheeds (songs in keeping with our Islamic ethos) and understanding and exploring how music is created, produced and communicated, including the use of pitch, duration, rhythm, etc.

Music Scheme of Work 

Singing at Orchard School

Singing is built into the curriculum in a cross-curricular way to enhance learning. For example, the children in Early Years may learn their numbers, etc. through fun songs! In addition, children take part in Nasheed singing assemblies. They really enjoy these sessions and it also supports in building their self-esteem and confidence!