Primary School Admissions for next Academic Year - Reception 2025-26
The deadline for applications for the September 2025 Reception places has now gone. The deadline was the 15th January 2025, therefore any applications received after this date will be marked as late and will not be considered in the initial ranking process.
To apply, parents whose children are born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 will need to complete a CAF via the local council they reside in, and a SIF (Supplementary Information Form) which can be downloaded below. The CAF must be completed online via the eadmissions portal (link below for Lambeth), for a hardcopy you will need to contact the Local Authority.
Both forms MUST be completed.
For parents who redside in Lambeth please click the link and complete the online form for the local authority.
The SIF can be obtained further down under In-Year applications (this can either be completed and returned to the admin office in person or can be scanned and sent via email). If sending via email please send completed forms to
Admissions policy 2025-26
The agreed policy for the 2025-26:
In-year Applications
Please note that currently we do not have any spaces, but when spaces do become available we will offer a space to the next person on the waiting list working our way down.
In-Year application – In-Year Application Form
Supplementary Information Form (SIF) – Orchard School SIF
If you have applied to the school already your application will move up to the next year group automatically, so you do not need to apply again. If a space becomes available in any year group we will go down our waiting list to offer spaces and you will be contacted (please ensure contact details are always updated), so you do not need to contact the school every academic year.
If you have made a recent application to the school please allow at least two to three weeks before contacting the school regarding your position on the waiting list, as distance measurements are carried out by the Local Authority before the application is ranked (Please note there has been delays with this due to staff shortages at Lambeth, so distance measurements have been taking longer then usual).
Please ensure that if your address has changed that you inform the school office or complete the letter below and return it to the school office so that we can update our system. Evidence will be required to confirm your new address (accepted proofs are highlighted in the letter). Also if your contact numbers change please make sure the school is informed so that we can update our records.
Change of address: Address Update letter
Emailing forms
If you are sending your forms via email please send them to
Moving forward, please do not send any forms to the main admin email inbox highlighted below.
Secondary School Applications
The Secondary school application process has now begun for parents whose pupils will be starting secondary school in September 2025.
All applications must be completed online unless your applying for a fee paying school. The process is similar to the Primary admissions process via the eadmissions portal.
If you require assistance with the application process please come and speak to a member of the admin team. The deadline for completing secondary applications is 31st October 2024 so please ensure applications are completed in good time and that all necessary evidence is uploaded before the deadline date. Outcomes for Secondary school places will be notified to parents on the 1st March 2025.
For further information please visit the page.
Below is information on how to complete an application form online. If you require assistance please come and speak to a member of the admin team.
Secondary Transfer Presentation 2024